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At CCL-CA, we ensure that our volunteers have the necessary knowledge, skills, and tools to easily and effectively engage as citizen lobbyists. We’ve created a variety of resources to aid in that endeavor, some of which are publicly accessible below. We invite you to join our action team page on CCL Community, where you can connect with like-minded individuals and access a broader range of lobbying-related resources to further your advocacy efforts.


We firmly believe in the power of collaboration and recognize that addressing the climate crisis requires a collective effort from various organizations. To that end, we strive to make our resources readily available to other climate groups. By joining forces and working together, we can achieve a significant and lasting impact.

Find Your California Representatives

Given your address, look up your California state lawmakers to know who you can contact as a constituent to advocate for effective policy to fight climate change.


Legislator Dossier

Our dossier is a resource that automatically generates detailed information about California legislators. To find relevant information, all you have to do is select their chamber and name. Designed to empower advocates and citizens, this tool consolidates crucial data such as committee memberships, campaign contributions, key policy positions, and biographical information.

By leveraging this dossier, users can gain a deeper understanding of each legislator, enabling them to make informed decisions, effectively engage with policymakers, and strategically advocate for meaningful change.


Yale Climate Opinion Maps

These maps visually represent public opinion on climate change in the United States. They provide a comprehensive overview of attitudes, beliefs, and policy preferences related to climate change at the state, county, and congressional district levels. By exploring the data and visualizations provided, users can gain insights into the diversity of perspectives across California, informing discussions, advocacy efforts, and policy decisions.


California Environmental Groups

This spreadsheet showcases a wide array of environmental organizations operating throughout California. By supplying this list, we hope to improve the visibility and efficacy of like-minded groups, fostering engagement and facilitating meaningful partnerships within California's vibrant environmental community.


Canada Carbon Pricing Laser Talk

The document discusses the implementation of a carbon tax with dividends in Canada. It highlights Canada's nationwide Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act and how it began when the Canadian province of British Columbia introduced a carbon tax in 2008. That carbon tax resulted in a 10 percent decrease in carbon emissions per person while the economy grew by 12 percent. To learn more, and to see how this legislation could apply to the United States, check out this Laser Talk that was produced by Citizens’ Climate Lobby.


AJR 43 - Greenhouse gases: climate change

In 2016, the California legislature passed this joint resolution, urging the United States Congress to enact a carbon tax and dividend. It highlights the Legislature's leadership role in advocating for climate action and its dedication to positioning California as a global leader in combating climate change. If the will was present in 2016 to pass this resolution, the will is certainly here in 2023 to pass carbon cashback legislation.

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